Crazy colors for a crazy life!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oil Sticks

I love painting with oil sticks. Also called paint sticks or oilbars, they are real oil paint but in a form that is so natural and immediate for me. They allow me to gain effects similar to what I can get in pastel painting. There are the added benefits of no brushes to clean, no wasted paint, and drawing fast and loose. I love the line and textures that I get!

The greatest drawback to oil sticks for me has been having to clean the tips of dried paint film before I could begin painting. I tried many ways of storing them to keep them from drying out, to no avail. Thanks to artist Lyn Lasneski, I have discovered a method of storing them so that all I have to do is dry them off and paint! It's so simple, I wonder why I never thought of it?? After use, just immerse the tips in water. Voila! No struggling to get the tips ready to use again!! Since they are oil paint, they resist any dissolving.

If you love to drawing and love textures, you might enjoy working with oil sticks. The various brands I have used are Sennelier, Winsor Newton, Shiva, and R&F. My favorites are the first three. Although they have dynamite colors, R&F tends to be too soft to suit my style.

As the commercial once said, "Try'em, you'll like 'em!"


Exciting news!! My paintings are now published on the website of Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, Chelsea, New York City. To see them, click here, then click on Artists and the letter "C".

I am working on a series of sunsets to take for my show in December. As soon as I get images photographed I will show them here. Come back soon to see exclusive previews of my show!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New York City is calling!

My most exciting news of late is that I've been invited to join the Amsterdam Whitney Gallery in Chelsea in New York City! This is a gallery that sponsors groups shows for artists. Each artist participates in at least one show per year.

My first show with Amstermdam Whitney is already scheduled! December 4th is the big day, 6 to 8 p.m. The show runs from December 2 to January 6, 2009. I plan to attend to see what the "Big Apple" art scene is all about. Be sure to visit their website, which will have my paintings soon: www.amsterdamwhitneygallery.com

Friday, May 30, 2008

A New Gallery

Traveling and painting have taken their toll on my posts! But my very latest news is that I now have gallery representation in Scottsdale, Arizona, at the Rive Gauche Galleries Contemporary site in uptown Scottsdale!!

If you get to Scottsdale, please visit both the Rive Gauche Gallery sites: Arts District in Oldtown, 7173 East Main St; uptown site is in Zocallo Plaza, 15507 North Scottsdale Road, Ste. 165 (toward the back right side of the plaza). The galleries have a terrific website: www.RiveGaucheGallery.com.

I am truly excited and honored to be represented by this gallery! Check out my new paintings in the Contemporary gallery website. They haven't been able to get all my paintings posted yet, due to tech problems.

Here is my latest one, a 30x24 oil, gallery wrapped with design around the edges. I love this new way (for me) of working. No frame is required and it really adds depth to the paintings.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Tyrrany of the Urgent

I am amazed at how much time the business end of being an artist takes! I am currently in the process of finishing and framing paintings for an exhibit.

Even selecting the paintings is time-consuming. Then they have to be evaluated to make sure there's nothing left that should be finished before framing. Next, they must be named! THAT is always challenging--making sure the titles are as attractive as the paintings. The frames are ordered (!!!) and when they are completed the paintings will be installed.

Meanwhile, I don't like to let moss gather on my drawing and painting efforts, so I try to spend at least some time each day doing that as well.

The real pleasure, besides actually CREATING the work, is seeing them framed and ready to go. Wow! WHO painted those?

Thought for today: "There's just no accounting for happiness, / or the way it turns up like a prodigal / who comes back to the dust at your feet" -- Jane Kenyon

Friday, February 8, 2008

Modern Art

"Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves they have a better idea." - John Ciardi

I thought this quote was pretty telling! When we abandon the principles of beauty and excellence, we risk thinking that our "better idea" is really art. Nature bows to high art but it cannot be replaced as a source of truth.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chasing Your Dream

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." - Charles Buxton

What a pointed reminder of what it takes to follow your dreams. Despite life--doctor appointments, operations, sick parents, sick children, church, cleaning, busy-ness--we must MAKE TIME for what fuels our fire. Else we will be dying coals that turn to black cinders.

The horse is my latest in a series.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


New Orleans is alive and well and still giving jazz to the world! This drawing is of a bass player in a jazz quartet with Ellis Marsalis.

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them." John Ruskin

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year!

The year 2008 is in its infancy. We set so much store in beginning again each year, yet continuity and production are greatly helpful in being the artists that we are meant to be.

Last night, some friends and we wrote the "bad stuff" from 2007 that we wanted to eliminate on pieces of paper and then ceremonially burned them, clearing the way for the good to come.

As I reflect upon the past year, I recognize growth and blessings, both given and received. Very little could I remember that I wanted to burn. For that I am truly grateful. Of course, my memory seems to be very selective! My hope for 2008 is to continue that pattern of growth and to pass on the myriad blessings I receive in the joy of creation.

My husband and I will grow as artists and citizens of the world this next week, as we travel to Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, all from the luxury of a ship. The painting today is a young Belize woman I met last year on a similar trip. I expect to have experiences and paintings to share when I return.

Quote for today: "Creativity is...seeing something that doesn't exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God." Michele Shea

May you who read this also be blessed.