Crazy colors for a crazy life!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Painting in Open Acrylics

I have been training myself to paint in acrylics, in preparation for our trip to Peru  I have acquired a 6x8 Thumbox Guerilla Easel.  It's very fun to use.

I am combining Golden Open Acrylics with regular ones to get blending with fast drying.  I got a couple of sample sets that have 22 ml tubes--just right for travel.  So far, I still battle the regular acrylics drying too fast in the New Mexico dryness, but I am learning to tweak them in combo with the Opens.  Here's hoping--we are leaving soon!

I painted this 8x6 experiment of Yarrow on linen today in not too much time. I am getting faster!:

I find I like using a palette knife, as the texture seems better, after putting in an underpainting.  Let me know what you think.