Crazy colors for a crazy life!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Head, Heart, and Hands--Shea Hembrey's Biennial

What would you create if you could be 100 different artists?  Artist Shea Hembrey answered this question, spending two years creating artwork as 100 different artists!  This amazing video shows and explains just some of the creations.  What a stimulus for creativity!  Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Demystifying Composition

Composition is one of those art topics that can stir up a fire-storm in a hurry!  Nearly as many definitions for composition exist as there are artists.  Yet the ability to create strong "compositions" in painting continues to elude many artists.

"Why isn't my painting working?"
"How do I get harmonious color?"
"How do I get strong design into my painting?"

These are just some of the questions that plague artists.  Almost every art magazine has at least one article promising a "quick fix" one of these topics.  Nearly all the explanations about design are about as "clear as mud."

I am teaching a class called "Demystifying Composition," presenting an innovative approach to designing successful artwork.  We will explore abstract structure and review drawing and color study, in order to help create stronger paintings.  The sign of a really good artist is when she or he can break the rules and get away with it!  But you need to know the rules in order to break them.

The class will be in my studio July 6, 7, & 8th.  Hours are 9-4 daily, with a break for lunch.  Cost is only $200, with all supplies.  I only have a couple places left in the class, so if you feel the need to release your creativity by freeing yourself to compose, sign up today!  Contact me by phone (575.430.6148) or by email (sarajchambers@yahoo.com).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Correction and Wandering Off

AAAh!  I just realized I put the wrong date for the opening at Sacramento Mountain Weavers Art Gallery!!  The correct date is June 11th.

How easy it is to wander off and not post to the blog for a long time!  Getting a new computer that does not "speak" my photo language has really bitten me!  I still have no real capacity for easily editing my quick photos of my work.  I will attempt to post at least one a day for the next several days, to give some idea of what I've been working on more recently.

I have done a series of birds recently.  This one was among the first, and also the biggest of the lot at 30"x40".  It's done completely in oil stick.  The colors are a little washed out in this image.  Haven't figured out how to edit yet.  I love how the parrots are "talking" to each other!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Location for Sacramento Mountain Weavers Gallery

The Sacramento Mountain Weavers Gallery has moved from Cloudcroft to Old Town Albuquerque, taking my artwork with them!  This picture shows part of the gallery displaying some of my paintings.

They are located in Old Town Albuquerque at the Poco a Poco Patio, 328 San Felipe St., Albuquerque, NM 87104; 505-933-1666.  Their Grand Opening will be Saturday, June 11th, from 5-8 p.m.  Come by and join the fun!

I will be doing a painting demonstration during the afternoon, about 2-3:30 p.m.  Come by and visit and see me painting.