Crazy colors for a crazy life!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Beauty Reigns

I have recently come across a slide show entitled "The Banishment of Beauty,"by the fabulous artist Scott Burdick on YouTube and on the blog of "Shellywankenobi".  The latter has all four parts, divided thus to keep them to 15 minutes each.  YouTube also has it in the four parts, but it's simpler access on that blog.

Seen From My Window
6"x8" oil on board
I would really be interested in any comments about the observations that Burdick makes.  I found his discussion stimulating, affirming and challenging.  The presentation is loaded with quotable quotes!  After seeing what seems to fall into his "Beauty" category, I wonder if my art would qualify, as it is much less "traditional" than his and the others he cites (all my heroes)?

My goal in creating art is always to bring beauty first.

This little one just had to be painted last week.  I never grow tired of this scene, "Seen From My Window," 6"x8" oil on board.  (ps--available for purchase ;-)